Loving Layered Hearts

     I had to finally break down and purchase a Birch Press layered die set I cannot stop thinking about.  Well, I must confess how much I love and dream about so many of the Birch Press products.   
I love it and it was well worth the wait and learning a very important lesson about using caution and to pay very close attention when possibly shopping on eBay verses from the original company website or well established merchandise stores.
     I want to warn everyone of an experience I had with attempting to purchase my first Birch Press die set.  I was surfing eBay and happened to find a reduced price Birch Press die set, so I went ahead and purchased it.  When package came to house, I noticed the package was stamped with several stamps as if this was an overseas shipping and an overseas store logo, but yet I thought I was purchasing from someone in USA.  That was my first clue to this being a fraud case.  I opened up the package and noticed the envelopes the dies were in were not original envelopes.  And my third clue was that the individual dies did not measure up to dimensions listed on auction page.  Well, long story short is that several conversations back and forth with Seller.  I called Birch Press Designs to question if their measurements are exact dimensions or if approximate dimensions.  Birch Press Designs are exact dimensions and if there is any measurements vary from what dimensions that are listed on their website are counterfeit fraud products.  So I reported my eBay auction to be counterfeit fraud.  Yikes what a nightmare!  Beware and really check out eBay purchases to make sure the seller is not trying to pass off a counterfeit as an original product.  Check the dimensions listed on the original company website and make sure it matches with the Sellers' product dimension.  I now only buy my Birch Press Design products from Birch Press Design and Simon Says Stamp websites and if a local craft story has anything in stock.  Just felt a need to share that story and hope no one else gets possibly ripped off for paying $55 for a counterfeit version of the product.
     Sorry for the lengthy rant.  I will go ahead and post.  Thank you for stopping to visit.  
Hope you have a wonderful day.


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